Sunday, March 15, 2009


"Give freely and become more wealthy; be stingy and lose everything." --Proverbs 11:24

I read this and think I've got this figured out. I've never been stingy with money. If I have and someone needs, I give. And I've NEVER been without. I've always had enough to cover my needs and then some.

But there is one thing I am struggling with. Time.

I don't have enough time for myself.

How can I give time away to others?

I treasure my time. I hoard it as my most precious possession.

Yet I've been feeling convinced that I need to change my priorities. Husband first, child second, others next, and myself last.

That means no "ME" time.

That flies in the face of every piece of advice out there, doesn't it?

Yet God promises that those who give will be rewarded. And those who hoard will lose everything.

Where do I start? Am I convicted enough? I'm not sure.

1 comment:

elaine @ peace for the journey said...

Time is my constant struggle; it never seems there is enough to go around. Alas, I sit at the bottom of a long line of needs that are ahead...most of them pertaining to my children.

Still and yet, I think time to be the most valuable resource/gift that we can give to another. More than anything, I value a person's time for me over all else.

THanks for visiting the blog, unnamed. God's peace and blessing to you this day.
